New York Shih Tzus
Welcome to our website, where we hope to help you find your perfect Shih Tzu puppy.
We are not a pet shop.  Rather, we breed and network with other reputable breeders to provide quality Shih Tzu puppies. Our home is on Long Island, NY. We have a regional reputation for quality pedigree puppies. We breed and also hand-select puppies from a network of other reputable licensed breeders.

Our hand-selected, registered, purebred Shih Tzu puppies are chosen for health, longevity, quality, temperament and trainability.  These puppies are provided only by the nation’s most premier, professional licensed Shih Tzu breeders.

See what puppies we have available right now!
Visit our page on Breeders.net
Click here to see the puppies we have NOW!